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Emily Charlotte Dance run workshops for all ages and abilities across the UK. We are passionate about nurturing and encouraging children and young people to find their unique artistic voices and to learn new skills in our workshops.


Alongside our dance technique and choreographic workshops, we have created kinaesthetic learning workshops that cross boundaries between dance and other areas of education.
We offer a range of artistic movement experiences for children and young people, from learning about art through dance, to learning and dancing through aspects of maths, science and the school curriculum. 




We are dedicated to the integration of the arts into S.T.E.M subjects. We have developed unique workshops for Key stage 1&2, Key Stages 3-4 and GCSE level that make links to the school curriculum and aid learning. Our workshop practitioner will meet with teachers prior to the workshop to discuss what topics they wish to be covered.


Our dance workshops provide students with both contemporary dance technique and creative skills.  Students are given the opportunity to consider an idea for choreography in depth in a space free of judgement to explore, discover and play with stimuli. Supported by guidance and mentoring, students are lead through a technique class followed by task based choreographic explorations covering multiple areas of the creative process.



Our interdisciplinary dance workshops facilitate a choreographic exploration of crossing boundaries between dance and other art forms in non-intimidating and engaging sessions. Students learn about the social, cultural and political situation of art works, alongside physical explorations of the structure, flow and aesthetic of the works.


Emily Charlotte Dance seeks to make links with art galleries, working with them to integrate dance into their learning and participation programmes. 

We have recently worked with the De La Warr Pavilion gallery in Bexhill, delivering CPD sessions to local teachers and workshops for children. 

Read Emily's blog posts about some of her sessions:

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